November 2007

Advertising photographers are passionate about beautiful women. And squids. At least that’s what their portfolios indicate. A recent photo research had me stumble across these cute fellows in a course of just a few minutes.


More pictures with less legs on their websites:


My hometown Duesseldorf doesn’t really bristle with too many exciting cultural landmarks. But on weekends, it seems to inhale bus fleets carrying herds of senior citizen tourists that spend their sunday afternoons gaping at shopping streets and twisted buildings.

This is one of the main travel providers.


Patrick over at WERBEBLOGGER has more unfavorable logos.

If the Universe is constantly expanding, why can‘t I find
a parking space?


Gingerbread showcases, mistletoe decorations, dutch shopping tourists wearing stupid santa hats – christmas seems to be a lot closer than I thought. Guess it’s time to start writing a wish list.

Ok, let’s see. I want

10. This

9. This

8. This

7. This

6. This

5. This

4. This

3. This

2. This

1. And this.

A large white room. A small black box. And an explosion of talent.
This PLAYSTATION 3 commercial is jaw-dropping.


The film was created by TBWA ChiatDay and executed by SUPERFAD, a production company with offices in LA, New York, Seattle and London.

Their portfolio is worth a look. Motion design at its finest!